This page provides instructions for using the NT Visualiser (NTG Google Earth) WMS layer in MapInfo. This provides any MapInfo user inside the NT Government with the best available georeferenced imagery without having to store on manage it themselves.

Please note this article is only relevant to users inside the NT Government network.

1. Goto 'File'.. 'Open web service'.. 'Open wms'

2. click on 'Servers'.. 'Add'
3. in the Server URL: enter:

4. click 'Get Description'.. click OK.. select the service you have added.. click ok
5. double click the second 'Google Earth WMS Server' in the list (the layer)
6. choose a place to save the tab file locally (this is very small and provides a reference for mapinfo of the connection details)

7. click ok and you're off.. call us if there's any problems.